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Debezium connector for MongoDB

Debezium’s MongoDB connector tracks a MongoDB replica set or a MongoDB sharded cluster for document changes in databases and collections, recording those changes as events in Kafka topics. The connector automatically handles the addition or removal of shards in a sharded cluster, changes in membership of each replica set, elections within each replica set, and awaiting the resolution of communications problems.

For information about the MongoDB versions that are compatible with this connector, see the Debezium release overview.


MongoDB’s replication mechanism provides redundancy and high availability, and is the preferred way to run MongoDB in production. MongoDB connector captures the changes in a replica set or sharded cluster.

A MongoDB replica set consists of a set of servers that all have copies of the same data, and replication ensures that all changes made by clients to documents on the replica set’s primary are correctly applied to the other replica set’s servers, called secondaries. MongoDB replication works by having the primary record the changes in its oplog (or operation log), and then each of the secondaries reads the primary’s oplog and applies in order all of the operations to their own documents. When a new server is added to a replica set, that server first performs an snapshot of all of the databases and collections on the primary, and then reads the primary’s oplog to apply all changes that might have been made since it began the snapshot. This new server becomes a secondary (and able to handle queries) when it catches up to the tail of the primary’s oplog.

The MongoDB connector uses this same replication mechanism, though it does not actually become a member of the replica set. Just like MongoDB secondaries, however, the connector always reads the oplog of the replica set’s primary. And, when the connector sees a replica set for the first time, it looks at the oplog to get the last recorded transaction and then performs a snapshot of the primary’s databases and collections. When all the data is copied, the connector then starts streaming changes from the position it read earlier from the oplog. Operations in the MongoDB oplog are idempotent, so no matter how many times the operations are applied, they result in the same end state.

As the MongoDB connector processes changes, it periodically records the position in the oplog where the event originated. When the MongoDB connector stops, it records the last oplog position that it processed, so that upon restart it simply begins streaming from that position. In other words, the connector can be stopped, upgraded or maintained, and restarted some time later, and it will pick up exactly where it left off without losing a single event. Of course, MongoDB’s oplogs are usually capped at a maximum size, which means that the connector should not be stopped for too long, or else some of the operations in the oplog might be purged before the connector has a chance to read them. In this case, upon restart the connector will detect the missing oplog operations, perform a snapshot, and then proceed with streaming the changes.

The MongoDB connector is also quite tolerant of changes in membership and leadership of the replica sets, of additions or removals of shards within a sharded cluster, and network problems that might cause communication failures. The connector always uses the replica set’s primary node to stream changes, so when the replica set undergoes an election and a different node becomes primary, the connector will immediately stop streaming changes, connect to the new primary, and start streaming changes using the new primary node. Likewise, if connector experiences any problems communicating with the replica set primary, it will try to reconnect (using exponential backoff so as to not overwhelm the network or replica set) and continue streaming changes from where it last left off. In this way the connector is able to dynamically adjust to changes in replica set membership and to automatically handle communication failures.

How the MongoDB connector works

An overview of the MongoDB topologies that the connector supports is useful for planning your application.

When a MongoDB connector is configured and deployed, it starts by connecting to the MongoDB servers at the seed addresses, and determines the details about each of the available replica sets. Since each replica set has its own independent oplog, the connector will try to use a separate task for each replica set. The connector can limit the maximum number of tasks it will use, and if not enough tasks are available the connector will assign multiple replica sets to each task, although the task will still use a separate thread for each replica set.

When running the connector against a sharded cluster, use a value of tasks.max that is greater than the number of replica sets. This will allow the connector to create one task for each replica set, and will let Kafka Connect coordinate, distribute, and manage the tasks across all of the available worker processes.

Supported MongoDB topologies

The MongoDB connector supports the following MongoDB topologies:

MongoDB replica set

The Debezium MongoDB connector can capture changes from a single MongoDB replica set. Production replica sets require a minimum of at least three members.

To use the MongoDB connector with a replica set, provide the addresses of one or more replica set servers as seed addresses through the connector’s mongodb.hosts property. The connector will use these seeds to connect to the replica set, and then once connected will get from the replica set the complete set of members and which member is primary. The connector will start a task to connect to the primary and capture the changes from the primary’s oplog. When the replica set elects a new primary, the task will automatically switch over to the new primary.

When MongoDB is fronted by a proxy (such as with Docker on OS X or Windows), then when a client connects to the replica set and discovers the members, the MongoDB client will exclude the proxy as a valid member and will attempt and fail to connect directly to the members rather than go through the proxy.

In such a case, set the connector’s optional configuration property to false to instruct the connector to forgo membership discovery and instead simply use the first seed address (specified via the mongodb.hosts property) as the primary node. This may work, but still make cause issues when election occurs.

MongoDB sharded cluster

A MongoDB sharded cluster consists of:

  • One or more shards, each deployed as a replica set;

  • A separate replica set that acts as the cluster’s configuration server

  • One or more routers (also called mongos) to which clients connect and that routes requests to the appropriate shards

    To use the MongoDB connector with a sharded cluster, configure the connector with the host addresses of the configuration server replica set. When the connector connects to this replica set, it discovers that it is acting as the configuration server for a sharded cluster, discovers the information about each replica set used as a shard in the cluster, and will then start up a separate task to capture the changes from each replica set. If new shards are added to the cluster or existing shards removed, the connector will automatically adjust its tasks accordingly.

MongoDB standalone server

The MongoDB connector is not capable of monitoring the changes of a standalone MongoDB server, since standalone servers do not have an oplog. The connector will work if the standalone server is converted to a replica set with one member.

MongoDB does not recommend running a standalone server in production. For more information, see the MongoDB documentation.

Logical connector name

The connector configuration property serves as a logical name for the MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster. The connector uses the logical name in a number of ways: as the prefix for all topic names, and as a unique identifier when recording the oplog position of each replica set.

You should give each MongoDB connector a unique logical name that meaningfully describes the source MongoDB system. We recommend logical names begin with an alphabetic or underscore character, and remaining characters that are alphanumeric or underscore.

Performing a snapshot

When a task starts up using a replica set, it uses the connector’s logical name and the replica set name to find an offset that describes the position where the connector previously stopped reading changes. If an offset can be found and it still exists in the oplog, then the task immediately proceeds with streaming changes, starting at the recorded offset position.

However, if no offset is found or if the oplog no longer contains that position, the task must first obtain the current state of the replica set contents by performing a snapshot. This process starts by recording the current position of the oplog and recording that as the offset (along with a flag that denotes a snapshot has been started). The task will then proceed to copy each collection, spawning as many threads as possible (up to the value of the snapshot.max.threads configuration property) to perform this work in parallel. The connector will record a separate read event for each document it sees, and that read event will contain the object’s identifier, the complete state of the object, and source information about the MongoDB replica set where the object was found. The source information will also include a flag that denotes the event was produced during a snapshot.

This snapshot will continue until it has copied all collections that match the connector’s filters. If the connector is stopped before the tasks' snapshots are completed, upon restart the connector begins the snapshot again.

Try to avoid task reassignment and reconfiguration while the connector is performing a snapshot of any replica sets. The connector does log messages with the progress of the snapshot. For utmost control, run a separate cluster of Kafka Connect for each connector.

Streaming changes

After the connector task for a replica set records an offset, it uses the offset to determine the position in the oplog where it should start streaming changes. The task then connects to the replica set’s primary node and start streaming changes from that position. It processes all of create, insert, and delete operations, and converts them into Debezium change events. Each change event includes the position in the oplog where the operation was found, and the connector periodically records this as its most recent offset. The interval at which the offset is recorded is governed by, which is a Kafka Connect worker configuration property.

When the connector is stopped gracefully, the last offset processed is recorded so that, upon restart, the connector will continue exactly where it left off. If the connector’s tasks terminate unexpectedly, however, then the tasks may have processed and generated events after it last records the offset but before the last offset is recorded; upon restart, the connector begins at the last recorded offset, possibly generating some the same events that were previously generated just prior to the crash.

When everything is operating nominally, Kafka consumers will actually see every message exactly once. However, when things go wrong Kafka can only guarantee consumers will see every message at least once. Therefore, your consumers need to anticipate seeing messages more than once.

As mentioned above, the connector tasks always use the replica set’s primary node to stream changes from the oplog, ensuring that the connector sees the most up-to-date operations as possible and can capture the changes with lower latency than if secondaries were to be used instead. When the replica set elects a new primary, the connector immediately stops streaming changes, connects to the new primary, and starts streaming changes from the new primary node at the same position. Likewise, if the connector experiences any problems communicating with the replica set members, it tries to reconnect, by using exponential backoff so as to not overwhelm the replica set, and once connected it continues streaming changes from where it last left off. In this way, the connector is able to dynamically adjust to changes in replica set membership and automatically handle communication failures.

To summarize, the MongoDB connector continues running in most situations. Communication problems might cause the connector to wait until the problems are resolved.

Topic names

The MongoDB connector writes events for all insert, update, and delete operations to documents in each collection to a single Kafka topic. The name of the Kafka topics always takes the form logicalName.databaseName.collectionName, where logicalName is the logical name of the connector as specified with the configuration property, databaseName is the name of the database where the operation occurred, and collectionName is the name of the MongoDB collection in which the affected document existed.

For example, consider a MongoDB replica set with an inventory database that contains four collections: products, products_on_hand, customers, and orders. If the connector monitoring this database were given a logical name of fulfillment, then the connector would produce events on these four Kafka topics:

  • fulfillment.inventory.products

  • fulfillment.inventory.products_on_hand

  • fulfillment.inventory.customers

  • fulfillment.inventory.orders

Notice that the topic names do not incorporate the replica set name or shard name. As a result, all changes to a sharded collection (where each shard contains a subset of the collection’s documents) all go to the same Kafka topic.

You can set up Kafka to auto-create the topics as they are needed. If not, then you must use Kafka administration tools to create the topics before starting the connector.


The MongoDB connector does not make any explicit determination about how to partition topics for events. Instead, it allows Kafka to determine how to partition topics based on event keys. You can change Kafka’s partitioning logic by defining the name of the Partitioner implementation in the Kafka Connect worker configuration.

Kafka maintains total order only for events written to a single topic partition. Partitioning the events by key does mean that all events with the same key always go to the same partition. This ensures that all events for a specific document are always totally ordered.

Transaction Metadata

Debezium can generate events that represents transaction metadata boundaries and enrich change data event messages.

Limits on when Debezium receives transaction metadata

Debezium registers and receives metadata only for transactions that occur after you deploy the connector. Metadata for transactions that occur before you deploy the connector is not available.

For every transaction BEGIN and END, Debezium generates an event that contains the following fields:




String representation of unique transaction identifier.

event_count (for END events)

Total number of events emitted by the transaction.

data_collections (for END events)

An array of pairs of data_collection and event_count that provides number of events emitted by changes originating from given data collection.

The following example shows a typical message:

  "status": "BEGIN",
  "id": "1462833718356672513",
  "event_count": null,
  "data_collections": null

  "status": "END",
  "id": "1462833718356672513",
  "event_count": 2,
  "data_collections": [
      "data_collection": "rs0.testDB.collectiona",
      "event_count": 1
      "data_collection": "rs0.testDB.collectionb",
      "event_count": 1

Unless overridden via the transaction.topic option, transaction events are written to the topic named

Change data event enrichment

When transaction metadata is enabled, the data message Envelope is enriched with a new transaction field. This field provides information about every event in the form of a composite of fields:


String representation of unique transaction identifier.


The absolute position of the event among all events generated by the transaction.


The per-data collection position of the event among all events that were emitted by the transaction.

Following is an example of what a message looks like:

  "patch": null,
  "after": "{\"_id\" : {\"$numberLong\" : \"1004\"},\"first_name\" : \"Anne\",\"last_name\" : \"Kretchmar\",\"email\" : \"\"}",
  "source": {
  "op": "c",
  "ts_ms": "1580390884335",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "1462833718356672513",
    "total_order": "1",
    "data_collection_order": "1"

Data change events

The Debezium MongoDB connector generates a data change event for each document-level operation that inserts, updates, or deletes data. Each event contains a key and a value. The structure of the key and the value depends on the collection that was changed.

Debezium and Kafka Connect are designed around continuous streams of event messages. However, the structure of these events may change over time, which can be difficult for consumers to handle. To address this, each event contains the schema for its content or, if you are using a schema registry, a schema ID that a consumer can use to obtain the schema from the registry. This makes each event self-contained.

The following skeleton JSON shows the basic four parts of a change event. However, how you configure the Kafka Connect converter that you choose to use in your application determines the representation of these four parts in change events. A schema field is in a change event only when you configure the converter to produce it. Likewise, the event key and event payload are in a change event only if you configure a converter to produce it. If you use the JSON converter and you configure it to produce all four basic change event parts, change events have this structure:

 "schema": { (1)
 "payload": { (2)
 "schema": { (3)
 "payload": { (4)
Table 1. Overview of change event basic content
Item Field name Description



The first schema field is part of the event key. It specifies a Kafka Connect schema that describes what is in the event key’s payload portion. In other words, the first schema field describes the structure of the key for the document that was changed.



The first payload field is part of the event key. It has the structure described by the previous schema field and it contains the key for the document that was changed.



The second schema field is part of the event value. It specifies the Kafka Connect schema that describes what is in the event value’s payload portion. In other words, the second schema describes the structure of the document that was changed. Typically, this schema contains nested schemas.



The second payload field is part of the event value. It has the structure described by the previous schema field and it contains the actual data for the document that was changed.

By default, the connector streams change event records to topics with names that are the same as the event’s originating collection. See topic names.

The MongoDB connector ensures that all Kafka Connect schema names adhere to the Avro schema name format. This means that the logical server name must start with a Latin letter or an underscore, that is, a-z, A-Z, or _. Each remaining character in the logical server name and each character in the database and collection names must be a Latin letter, a digit, or an underscore, that is, a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or \_. If there is an invalid character it is replaced with an underscore character.

This can lead to unexpected conflicts if the logical server name, a database name, or a collection name contains invalid characters, and the only characters that distinguish names from one another are invalid and thus replaced with underscores.

Change event keys

A change event’s key contains the schema for the changed document’s key and the changed document’s actual key. For a given collection, both the schema and its corresponding payload contain a single id field. The value of this field is the document’s identifier represented as a string that is derived from MongoDB extended JSON serialization strict mode.

Consider a connector with a logical name of fulfillment, a replica set containing an inventory database, and a customers collection that contains documents such as the following.

Example document
  "_id": 1004,
  "first_name": "Anne",
  "last_name": "Kretchmar",
  "email": ""
Example change event key

Every change event that captures a change to the customers collection has the same event key schema. For as long as the customers collection has the previous definition, every change event that captures a change to the customers collection has the following key structure. In JSON, it looks like this:

  "schema": { (1)
    "type": "struct",
    "name": "fulfillment.inventory.customers.Key", (2)
    "optional": false, (3)
    "fields": [ (4)
        "field": "id",
        "type": "string",
        "optional": false
  "payload": { (5)
    "id": "1004"
Table 2. Description of change event key
Item Field name Description



The schema portion of the key specifies a Kafka Connect schema that describes what is in the key’s payload portion.



Name of the schema that defines the structure of the key’s payload. This schema describes the structure of the key for the document that was changed. Key schema names have the format connector-name.database-name.collection-name.Key. In this example:

  • fulfillment is the name of the connector that generated this event.

  • inventory is the database that contains the collection that was changed.

  • customers is the collection that contains the document that was updated.



Indicates whether the event key must contain a value in its payload field. In this example, a value in the key’s payload is required. A value in the key’s payload field is optional when a document does not have a key.



Specifies each field that is expected in the payload, including each field’s name, type, and whether it is required.



Contains the key for the document for which this change event was generated. In this example, the key contains a single id field of type string whose value is 1004.

This example uses a document with an integer identifier, but any valid MongoDB document identifier works the same way, including a document identifier. For a document identifier, an event key’s value is a string that represents the updated document’s original _id field as a MongoDB extended JSON serialization that uses strict mode. The following table provides examples of how different types of _id fields are represented.

Table 3. Examples of representing document _id fields in event key payloads
Type MongoDB _id Value Key’s payload



{ "id" : "1234" }



{ "id" : "12.34" }



{ "id" : "\"1234\"" }


{ "hi" : "kafka", "nums" : [10.0, 100.0, 1000.0] }

{ "id" : "{\"hi\" : \"kafka\", \"nums\" : [10.0, 100.0, 1000.0]}" }



{ "id" : "{\"$oid\" : \"596e275826f08b2730779e1f\"}" }



{ "id" : "{\"$binary\" : \"a2Fma2E=\", \"$type\" : \"00\"}" }

Change event values

The value in a change event is a bit more complicated than the key. Like the key, the value has a schema section and a payload section. The schema section contains the schema that describes the Envelope structure of the payload section, including its nested fields. Change events for operations that create, update or delete data all have a value payload with an envelope structure.

Consider the same sample document that was used to show an example of a change event key:

Example document
  "_id": 1004,
  "first_name": "Anne",
  "last_name": "Kretchmar",
  "email": ""

The value portion of a change event for a change to this document is described for each event type:

create events

The following example shows the value portion of a change event that the connector generates for an operation that creates data in the customers collection:

    "schema": { (1)
      "type": "struct",
      "fields": [
          "type": "string",
          "optional": true,
          "name": "", (2)
          "version": 1,
          "field": "after"
          "type": "string",
          "optional": true,
          "name": "",
          "version": 1,
          "field": "patch"
          "type": "struct",
          "fields": [
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "version"
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "connector"
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "name"
              "type": "int64",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "ts_ms"
              "type": "boolean",
              "optional": true,
              "default": false,
              "field": "snapshot"
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "db"
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "rs"
              "type": "string",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "collection"
              "type": "int32",
              "optional": false,
              "field": "ord"
              "type": "int64",
              "optional": true,
              "field": "h"
          "optional": false,
          "name": "io.debezium.connector.mongo.Source", (3)
          "field": "source"
          "type": "string",
          "optional": true,
          "field": "op"
          "type": "int64",
          "optional": true,
          "field": "ts_ms"
      "optional": false,
      "name": "dbserver1.inventory.customers.Envelope" (4)
    "payload": { (5)
      "after": "{\"_id\" : {\"$numberLong\" : \"1004\"},\"first_name\" : \"Anne\",\"last_name\" : \"Kretchmar\",\"email\" : \"\"}", (6)
      "patch": null,
      "source": { (7)
        "version": "1.7.2.Final",
        "connector": "mongodb",
        "name": "fulfillment",
        "ts_ms": 1558965508000,
        "snapshot": false,
        "db": "inventory",
        "rs": "rs0",
        "collection": "customers",
        "ord": 31,
        "h": 1546547425148721999
      "op": "c", (8)
      "ts_ms": 1558965515240 (9)
Table 4. Descriptions of create event value fields
Item Field name Description



The value’s schema, which describes the structure of the value’s payload. A change event’s value schema is the same in every change event that the connector generates for a particular collection.



In the schema section, each name field specifies the schema for a field in the value’s payload. is the schema for the payload’s after, patch, and filter fields. This schema is specific to the customers collection. A create event is the only kind of event that contains an after field. An update event contains a filter field and a patch field. A delete event contains a filter field, but not an after field nor a patch field.



io.debezium.connector.mongo.Source is the schema for the payload’s source field. This schema is specific to the MongoDB connector. The connector uses it for all events that it generates.



dbserver1.inventory.customers.Envelope is the schema for the overall structure of the payload, where dbserver1 is the connector name, inventory is the database, and customers is the collection. This schema is specific to the collection.



The value’s actual data. This is the information that the change event is providing.

It may appear that the JSON representations of the events are much larger than the documents they describe. This is because the JSON representation must include the schema and the payload portions of the message. However, by using the Avro converter, you can significantly decrease the size of the messages that the connector streams to Kafka topics.



An optional field that specifies the state of the document after the event occurred. In this example, the after field contains the values of the new document’s _id, first_name, last_name, and email fields. The after value is always a string. By convention, it contains a JSON representation of the document. MongoDB’s oplog entries contain the full state of a document only for _create_ events; in other words, a create event is the only kind of event that contains an after field.



Mandatory field that describes the source metadata for the event. This field contains information that you can use to compare this event with other events, with regard to the origin of the events, the order in which the events occurred, and whether events were part of the same transaction. The source metadata includes:

  • Debezium version.

  • Name of the connector that generated the event.

  • Logical name of the MongoDB replica set, which forms a namespace for generated events and is used in Kafka topic names to which the connector writes.

  • Names of the collection and database that contain the new document.

  • If the event was part of a snapshot.

  • Timestamp for when the change was made in the database and ordinal of the event within the timestamp.

  • Unique identifier of the MongoDB operation, which depends on the version of MongoDB. It is either the h field in the oplog event, or a field named stxnid, which represents the lsid and txnNumber fields from the oplog event.



Mandatory string that describes the type of operation that caused the connector to generate the event. In this example, c indicates that the operation created a document. Valid values are:

  • c = create

  • u = update

  • d = delete

  • r = read (applies to only snapshots)



Optional field that displays the time at which the connector processed the event. The time is based on the system clock in the JVM running the Kafka Connect task.

In the source object, ts_ms indicates the time that the change was made in the database. By comparing the value for payload.source.ts_ms with the value for payload.ts_ms, you can determine the lag between the source database update and Debezium.

update events

The value of a change event for an update in the sample customers collection has the same schema as a create event for that collection. Likewise, the event value’s payload has the same structure. However, the event value payload contains different values in an update event. An update event does not have an after value. Instead, it has these two fields:

  • patch is a string field that contains the JSON representation of the idempotent update operation

  • filter is a string field that contains the JSON representation of the selection criteria for the update. The filter string can include multiple shard key fields for sharded collections.

Here is an example of a change event value in an event that the connector generates for an update in the customers collection:

    "schema": { ... },
    "payload": {
      "op": "u", (1)
      "ts_ms": 1465491461815, (2)
      "patch": "{\"$set\":{\"first_name\":\"Anne Marie\"}}", (3)
      "filter": "{\"_id\" : {\"$numberLong\" : \"1004\"}}", (4)
      "source": { (5)
        "version": "1.7.2.Final",
        "connector": "mongodb",
        "name": "fulfillment",
        "ts_ms": 1558965508000,
        "snapshot": true,
        "db": "inventory",
        "rs": "rs0",
        "collection": "customers",
        "ord": 6,
        "h": 1546547425148721999
Table 5. Descriptions of update event value fields
Item Field name Description



Mandatory string that describes the type of operation that caused the connector to generate the event. In this example, u indicates that the operation updated a document.



Optional field that displays the time at which the connector processed the event. The time is based on the system clock in the JVM running the Kafka Connect task.

In the source object, ts_ms indicates the time that the change was made in the database. By comparing the value for payload.source.ts_ms with the value for payload.ts_ms, you can determine the lag between the source database update and Debezium.



Contains the JSON string representation of the actual MongoDB idempotent change to the document. In this example, the update changed the first_name field to a new value.

An update event value does not contain an after field.



Contains the JSON string representation of the MongoDB selection criteria that was used to identify the document to be updated.



Mandatory field that describes the source metadata for the event. This field contains the same information as a create event for the same collection, but the values are different since this event is from a different position in the oplog. The source metadata includes:

  • Debezium version.

  • Name of the connector that generated the event.

  • Logical name of the MongoDB replica set, which forms a namespace for generated events and is used in Kafka topic names to which the connector writes.

  • Names of the collection and database that contain the updated document.

  • If the event was part of a snapshot.

  • Timestamp for when the change was made in the database and ordinal of the event within the timestamp.

  • Unique identifier of the MongoDB operation, which depends on the version of MongoDB. It is either the h field in the oplog event, or a field named stxnid, which represents the lsid and txnNumber fields from the oplog event.

In a Debezium change event, MongoDB provides the content of the patch field. The format of this field depends on the version of the MongoDB database. Consequently, be prepared for potential changes to the format when you upgrade to a newer MongoDB database version. Examples in this document were obtained from MongoDB 3.4, In your application, event formats might be different.

In MongoDB’s oplog, update events do not contain the before or after states of the changed document. Consequently, it is not possible for a Debezium connector to provide this information. However, a Debezium connector provides a document’s starting state in create and read events. Downstream consumers of the stream can reconstruct document state by keeping the latest state for each document and comparing the state in a new event with the saved state. Debezium connector’s are not able to keep this state.

delete events

The value in a delete change event has the same schema portion as create and update events for the same collection. The payload portion in a delete event contains values that are different from create and update events for the same collection. In particular, a delete event contains neither an after value nor a patch value. Here is an example of a delete event for a document in the customers collection:

    "schema": { ... },
    "payload": {
      "op": "d", (1)
      "ts_ms": 1465495462115, (2)
      "filter": "{\"_id\" : {\"$numberLong\" : \"1004\"}}", (3)
      "source": { (4)
        "version": "1.7.2.Final",
        "connector": "mongodb",
        "name": "fulfillment",
        "ts_ms": 1558965508000,
        "snapshot": true,
        "db": "inventory",
        "rs": "rs0",
        "collection": "customers",
        "ord": 6,
        "h": 1546547425148721999
Table 6. Descriptions of delete event value fields
Item Field name Description



Mandatory string that describes the type of operation. The op field value is d, signifying that this document was deleted.



Optional field that displays the time at which the connector processed the event. The time is based on the system clock in the JVM running the Kafka Connect task.

In the source object, ts_ms indicates the time that the change was made in the database. By comparing the value for payload.source.ts_ms with the value for payload.ts_ms, you can determine the lag between the source database update and Debezium.



Contains the JSON string representation of the MongoDB selection criteria that was used to identify the document to be deleted.



Mandatory field that describes the source metadata for the event. This field contains the same information as a create or update event for the same collection, but the values are different since this event is from a different position in the oplog. The source metadata includes:

  • Debezium version.

  • Name of the connector that generated the event.

  • Logical name of the MongoDB replica set, which forms a namespace for generated events and is used in Kafka topic names to which the connector writes.

  • Names of the collection and database that contained the deleted document.

  • If the event was part of a snapshot.

  • Timestamp for when the change was made in the database and ordinal of the event within the timestamp.

  • Unique identifier of the MongoDB operation, which depends on the version of MongoDB. It is either the h field in the oplog event, or a field named stxnid, which represents the lsid and txnNumber fields from the oplog event.

MongoDB connector events are designed to work with Kafka log compaction. Log compaction enables removal of some older messages as long as at least the most recent message for every key is kept. This lets Kafka reclaim storage space while ensuring that the topic contains a complete data set and can be used for reloading key-based state.

Tombstone events

All MongoDB connector events for a uniquely identified document have exactly the same key. When a document is deleted, the delete event value still works with log compaction because Kafka can remove all earlier messages that have that same key. However, for Kafka to remove all messages that have that key, the message value must be null. To make this possible, after Debezium’s MongoDB connector emits a delete event, the connector emits a special tombstone event that has the same key but a null value. A tombstone event informs Kafka that all messages with that same key can be removed.

Setting up MongoDB

The MongoDB connector uses MongoDB’s oplog to capture the changes, so the connector works only with MongoDB replica sets or with sharded clusters where each shard is a separate replica set. See the MongoDB documentation for setting up a replica set or sharded cluster. Also, be sure to understand how to enable access control and authentication with replica sets.

You must also have a MongoDB user that has the appropriate roles to read the admin database where the oplog can be read. Additionally, the user must also be able to read the config database in the configuration server of a sharded cluster and must have listDatabases privilege action.


To deploy a Debezium MongoDB connector, you install the Debezium MongoDB connector archive, configure the connector, and start the connector by adding its configuration to Kafka Connect.

  1. Download the connector’s plug-in archive,

  2. Extract the JAR files into your Kafka Connect environment.

  3. Add the directory with the JAR files to Kafka Connect’s plugin.path.

  4. Restart your Kafka Connect process to pick up the new JAR files.

If you are working with immutable containers, see Debezium’s Container images for Apache Zookeeper, Apache Kafka, and Kafka Connect with the MongoDB connector already installed and ready to run.

The Debezium tutorial walks you through using these images, and this is a great way to learn about Debezium.