Debezium Blog

As you probably noticed, we have started work on Debezium 2.0. One of the planned changes for the 2.0 release is to switch to Java 11 as a baseline. While some Java build providers still support Java 8, other Java 8 distributions already reached their end of life/support. Users are moving to Java 11 anyways, as surveys like New Relic’s State of the Java Ecosystem Report indicate. But it is not only matter of support: Java 11 comes with various performance improvements, useful tools like JDK Flight Recorder, which was open-sourced in Java 11, and more. So we felt it was about time to start thinking about using a more recent JDK as the baseline for Debezium, and the new major release is a natural milestone when to do the switch.

I am excited to share that Debezium 2.0.0.Alpha1 has been released!

This release is the first of several planned pre-releases of Debezium 2.0 over the next five months. Each pre-release plans to focus on strategic changes in the hope that as we move forward, changes can be easily tested and regressions addressed quickly.

In this release, some of the most notable changes include requiring Java 11 to use Debezium or any of its components, the removal of wal2json support for PostgreSQL and the legacy MySQL connector implementation, as well as some notable features such as improved Debezium Server Google Pub/Sub sink support, and a multitude of bugfixes. Let’s take a look at a few of these.

I’m excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.9.1.Final!

This release primarily focuses on bugfixes and stability concerns after the 1.9.0.Final release.

The engineering team at Shopify recently improved the Debezium MySQL connector so that it supports incremental snapshotting for databases without write access by the connector, which is required when pointing Debezium to read-only replicas. In addition, the Debezium MySQL connector now also allows schema changes during an incremental snapshot. This blog post explains the implementation details of those features.

I am very happy to share the news that Debezium 1.9.0.Final has been released!

Besides the usual set of bug fixes and improvements, key features of this release are support for Apache Cassandra 4, multi-database support for the Debezium connector for SQL Server, the ability to use Debezium Server as a Knative event source, as well as many improvements to the integration of Debezium Server with Redis Streams.

Exactly 276 issues have been fixed by the community for the 1.9 release; a big thank you to each and everyone who helped to make this happen!