Debezium Blog

I am excited to share that Debezium 2.0.0.Alpha1 has been released!

This release is the first of several planned pre-releases of Debezium 2.0 over the next five months. Each pre-release plans to focus on strategic changes in the hope that as we move forward, changes can be easily tested and regressions addressed quickly.

In this release, some of the most notable changes include requiring Java 11 to use Debezium or any of its components, the removal of wal2json support for PostgreSQL and the legacy MySQL connector implementation, as well as some notable features such as improved Debezium Server Google Pub/Sub sink support, and a multitude of bugfixes. Let’s take a look at a few of these.

I’m excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.9.1.Final!

This release primarily focuses on bugfixes and stability concerns after the 1.9.0.Final release.

I am very happy to share the news that Debezium 1.9.0.Final has been released!

Besides the usual set of bug fixes and improvements, key features of this release are support for Apache Cassandra 4, multi-database support for the Debezium connector for SQL Server, the ability to use Debezium Server as a Knative event source, as well as many improvements to the integration of Debezium Server with Redis Streams.

Exactly 276 issues have been fixed by the community for the 1.9 release; a big thank you to each and everyone who helped to make this happen!

I am happy to announce the release of Debezium 1.9.0.CR1!

Besides a range of bugfixes, this release brings the long-awaited support for Apache Cassandra 4! Overall, 52 issues have been fixed for this release.

Let’s take a closer look at both the Cassandra 3 changes & Cassandra 4 support.

I am happy to announce the release of Debezium 1.9.0.Beta1!

This release includes many new features for Debezium Server, including Knative Eventing support and offset storage management with the Redis sink, multi-partitioned scaling for the SQL Server connector, and various of bugfixes and improvements. Overall, 56 issues have been fixed for this release.

Let’s take a closer look at a couple of them.

It’s my pleasure to announce the second release of the Debezium 1.9 series, 1.9.0.Alpha2!

This release includes support for Oracle 21c, improvements around Redis for Debezium Server, configuring the option, and a number of bug fixes around DDL parsers, build infrastructure, etc.

Overall, the community fixed 51 issues for this release. Let’s take a closer look at some of the highlights.

It’s my pleasure to announce the first release of the Debezium 1.9 series, 1.9.0.Alpha1!

With the new year comes a new release! The Debezium 1.9.0.Alpha1 release comes with quite a number of fixes and improvements, most notably improved metrics and Oracle ROWID data type support.

It’s my great pleasure to announce the release of Debezium 1.8.0.Final!

Besides a strong focus on the Debezium connector for MongoDB (more on that below), the 1.8 release brings support for Postgres' logical decoding messages, support for configuring SMTs and topic creation settings in the Debezium UI, and much more.

Overall, the community has fixed 242 issues for this release. A big thank you to everyone who helped to make this release happen on time, sticking to our quarterly release cadence!

I’m very excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.8.0.CR1!

As were near the final release due out next week, this release focused heavily on bugfixes. Yet this release includes incremental snapshot support for MongoDB! Overall, not less than 34 issues have been fixed for this release.

Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

I’m very happy to announce the release of Debezium 1.8.0.Beta1!

This release is packed with exciting new features like support for MongoDB 5.0, an outbox event router for the MongoDB connector and support for Postgres logical decoding messages, as well as tons of bugfixes and other improvements. Overall, not less than 63 issues have been fixed for this release.

Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

It’s my pleasure to announce the second release of the Debezium 1.8 series, 1.8.0.Alpha2!

With the holiday season just around the corner, the team’s release schedule remains steadfast. While Debezium 1.8.0.Alpha2 delivers quite a lot of bugfixes and minor changes, there are a few notable changes:

  • MySQL support for heartbeat action queries

  • Configurable transaction topic name

In addition, the latest 1.2 tag of the debezium/tooling image is available. The newest version includes all the latest tools, including kcctl, a super simple, cuddly CLI for Apache Kafka Connect.

It’s my pleasure to announce the first release of the Debezium 1.8 series, 1.8.0.Alpha1!

With the colors of Autumn upon us, the team has been hard at work painting lines of code for this release. With Debezium 1.8.0.Alpha1 comes quite a number of improvements but most notably is the new native MongoDB 4.0 change streams support!

It’s with great pleasure that I am announcing the release of Debezium 1.7.0.Final!

Key features of this release include substantial improvements to the notion of incremental snapshotting (as introduced in Debezium 1.6), a web-based user Debezium user interface, NATS support in Debezium Server, and support for running Apache Kafka without ZooKeeper via the Debezium Kafka container image.

Also in the wider Debezium community some exciting things happened over the last few months; For instance, we saw a CDC connector for ScyllaDB based on the Debezium connector framework, and there’s work happening towards a Debezium Server connector for Apache Iceberg (details about this coming soon in a guest post on this blog).

It’s my pleasure to announce the second release of the Debezium 1.7 series, 1.7.0.Beta1!

This release brings NATS Streaming support for Debezium Server along with many other fixes and enhancements. Also this release is the first one tested with Apache Kafka 2.8.

It’s my pleasure to announce the first release of the Debezium 1.7 series, 1.7.0.Alpha1!

With the summer in a full-swing, this release brings additional improvements to the Debezium Oracle connector but also to the others as well.

I’m pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.6.0.Final!

This release is packed full with tons of new features, including support for incremental snapshotting that can be toggled using the new the Signal API. Based on the excellent paper DBLog: A Watermark Based Change-Data-Capture Framework by Netflix engineers Andreas Andreakis and Ioannis Papapanagiotou, the notion of incremental snapshotting addresses several requirements around snapshotting that came up repeatedly in the Debezium community:

Let me announce the bugfix release of Debezium 1.5, 1.5.2.Final!

This release is a rebuild of 1.5.1.Final using Java 8.

Let me announce the bugfix release of Debezium 1.5, 1.5.1.Final!

This release fixes a small set of issues discovered since the original release and few improvements into the documentation.

I’m pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.6.0.Beta1!

This release introduces incremental snapshot support for SQL Server and Db2, performance improvements for SQL Server, support for BLOB/CLOB for Oracle, and much more. Lets take a few moments and explore some of these new features in the following.

It’s my pleasure to announce the first release of the Debezium 1.6 series, 1.6.0.Alpha1!

This release brings the brand new feature called incremental snapshots for MySQL and PostgreSQL connectors, a Kafka sink for Debezium Server, as well as a wide range of bug fixes and other small feature additions.

I’m thrilled to announce the release of Debezium 1.5.0.Final!

With Debezium 1.5, the LogMiner-based CDC implementation for Oracle moves from Incubating to Stable state, and there’s a brand-new implementation of the MySQL connector, which brings features like transaction metadata support. Other key features include support for a new "signalling table", which for instance can be used to implement schema changes with the Oracle connector, and support for TRUNCATE events with Postgres. There’s also many improvements to the community-led connectors for Vitess and Apache Cassandra, as well as wide range of bug fixes and other smaller improvements.

It’s my pleasure to announce the release of Debezium 1.5.0.CR1!

As we begin moving toward finalizing the Debezium 1.5 release stream, the Oracle connector has been promoted to stable and there were some TLS improvements for the Cassandra connector, as well as numerous bugfixes. Overall, 50 issues have been addressed for this release.

We are very happy to announce the release of Debezium 1.5.0.Beta2!

The main features of this release is the new Debezium Signaling Table support, Vitess SET type support, and a continued focus to minor improvements, bugfixes, and polish as we sprint to the finish line for the 1.5 release.

Overall, the community fixed 54 issues since the Beta1 release, some of which we’ll explore more in-depth below.

I’m very happy to announce the release of Debezium 1.5.0.Beta1!

This release adds a brand-new component — the web-based Debezium UI --, transaction metadata support for the MySQL connector, a large number of improvements to the LogMiner-based capture implementation for the Debezium Oracle connector, support for Vitess 9.0, and much more. Let’s explore some of the new features in the following.

It’s my pleasure to announce the first release of the Debezium 1.5 series, 1.5.0.Alpha1!

This release brings many improvements to the LogMiner-based capture implementation for the Debezium Oracle connector, a large overhaul of the MySQL connector, as well as a wide range of bug fixes and other small feature additions.

I’m pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.1.Final!

We highly recommend upgrading from 1.4.0.Final and earlier versions as this release includes bug fixes and enhancements to several Debezium connectors which includes some of the following:

I am pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.0.Final!

This release concludes the major work put into Debezium over the last three months. Overall, the community fixed 117 issues during that time, including the following key features and changes:

  • New Vitess connector, featured in an in-depth blog post by Kewei Shang

  • Fine-grained selection of snapshotted tables

  • PostgreSQL Snapshotter completion hook

  • Distributed Tracing

  • MySQL support for create or read records emitted during snapshot

  • Many Oracle Logminer adapter improvements

  • Full support for Oracle JDBC connection strings

  • Improved reporting of DDL errors

I’m pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.0.CR1!

This release focuses primarily on polishing the 1.4 release.

I’m pleased to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.0.Beta1!

This release includes support for distributed tracing, lowercase table and schema naming for Db2, specifying MySQL snapshot records as create or read operations, and enhancements to Vitess for nullable and primary key columns.

I’m excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.0.Alpha2!

This second pass of the 1.4 release line provides a few useful new features:

  • New API hook for the PostgreSQL Snapshotter interface

  • Field renaming using ExtractNewRecordState SMT’s add.fields and add.headers configurations

I’m excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.3.1.Final!

This release primarily focuses on bugs that were reported after the 1.3 release. Most importantly, the following bugs were fixed related to the Debezium connector for Oracle LogMiner adapter thanks to the continued feedback by the Debezium community.

  • SQLExceptions thrown when using Oracle LogMiner (DBZ-2624)

  • LogMiner mining session stopped due to WorkerTask killed (DBZ-2629)

This post originally appeared on the Bolt Labs Engineering blog.

Traditionally, MySQL has been used to power most of the backend services at Bolt. We’ve designed our schemas in a way that they’re sharded into different MySQL clusters. Each MySQL cluster contains a subset of data and consists of one primary and multiple replication nodes.

Once data is persisted to the database, we use the Debezium MySQL Connector to capture data change events and send them to Kafka. This gives us an easy and reliable way to communicate changes between back-end microservices.

I am excited to announce the release of Debezium 1.4.0.Alpha1!

This first pass of the 1.4 release line provides a few useful new features:

  • New Vitess connector

  • Allow fine-grained selection of snapshotted tables

Overall, the community fixed 41 issues for this release. Let’s take a closer look at some of the highlights.

It’s with great please that I’m announcing the release of Debezium 1.3.0.Final!

As per Debezium’s quarterly release cadence, this wraps up the work of the last three months. Overall, the community has fixed 138 issues during that time, including the following key features and changes:

  • A new incubating LogMiner-based implementation for ingesting change events from Oracle

  • Support for Azure Event Hubs in Debezium Server

  • Upgrade to Apache Kafka 2.6

  • Revised filter option names

  • A new SQL Server connector snapshot mode, initial_only

  • Support for database-filtered columns for SQL Server

  • Additional connection options for the MongoDB connector

  • Improvements to ByteBufferConverter for implementing the outbox pattern with Avro as the payload format