Release Notes for Debezium 1.9

All notable changes for Debezium releases are documented in this file. Release numbers follow Semantic Versioning.

Release 1.9.2.Final (April 29th 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.2.Final from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.2.Final plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.2.Final connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

New features

  • adjust LogMiner batch size based on comparison with currently used batch size DBZ-5005


  • Connector throws java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException DBZ-3848

  • Document no relevant tables should be in the SYS or SYSTEM tablespaces. DBZ-4762

  • Unable to mine Oracle source table which have "/" in table names DBZ-5006

  • SQL Server in multi-partition mode fails if a new database is added to an existing configuration DBZ-5033

  • Debezium Server tarball 1.9.1 does not work DBZ-5037

  • Mysql tests start before MySQL DB constainer is running DBZ-5054

  • Debezium server configuration properties not rendered correctly DBZ-5058

Other changes

There are no other changes in this release.

Release 1.9.1.Final (April 21st 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.1.Final from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.1.Final plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.1.Final connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

New features

  • Extract component preparation from test-suite job DBZ-4601

  • Making Postgres PSQLException: This connection has been closed. retriable DBZ-4948


  • Simplify and clean up system testsuite job DBZ-4570

  • Getting java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01291: missing logfile while running with archive log only DBZ-4879

  • Debezium uses wrong LCR format for Oracle 12.1 DBZ-4932

  • Oracle duplicates on connector restart DBZ-4936

  • Oracle truncate causes exception DBZ-4953

  • NPE caused by DBZ-4976

  • Oracle connector may throw NullPointerException when stopped after an unsuccessful startup DBZ-4978

  • NPE for non-table related DDLs DBZ-4979

  • CTE statements aren’t parsed by MySQL connector DBZ-4980

  • Unsupported MySQL Charsets during Snapshotting for fields with custom converter DBZ-4983

  • Outbox Transform does not allow expanded payload with additional fields in the envelope DBZ-4989

  • Redis Sink - clientSetname is taking place before auth DBZ-4993

  • CLOB with single quotes causes parser exception DBZ-4994

  • Oracle DDL parser fails on references_clause with no column list DBZ-4996

  • Can’t use 'local' database through mongos DBZ-5003

  • Triggering Incremental Snapshot on MongoDB connector throws json parsing error DBZ-5015

  • Redis Sink - Check if client is not null before closing it DBZ-5019

Other changes

  • QE jenkins jobs consolidation DBZ-4235

  • Create trigger job for connector jobs DBZ-4558

  • Debezium UI dependency updates DBZ-4881

  • Read-only incremental snapshots blog post DBZ-4917

  • Update Pulsar client version used by Debezium Server DBZ-4961

  • Intermittent failure of RedisStreamIT.testRedisConnectionRetry DBZ-4966

  • Debezium raised an exception and the task was still running DBZ-4987

  • Nexus Staging Maven plugin is incompatible with OpenJDK 17 DBZ-5025

  • OracleOffsetContextTest should be scoped to LogMiner only DBZ-5028

  • Scope several new Oracle tests to LogMiner only DBZ-5029

Release 1.9.0.Final (April 5th 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.0.Final from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.0.Final plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.0.Final connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

New features

  • Ability to support all Redis connection schemes DBZ-4511

  • pass SINK config properties to OffsetStore and DatabaseHistory adapters DBZ-4864

  • Migrate test-suite fixtures to JUnit extension DBZ-4892

  • Use Jedis' clientSetname when establishing Redis connections DBZ-4911


  • MySQL connector fails to parse default integer value expressed as decimal DBZ-3541

  • Cannot use Secrets in Debezium server connector config DBZ-4742

  • spatial_ref_sys table should be excluded in Postgres connector DBZ-4814

  • Oracle: Parsing failed for SEL_LOB_LOCATOR sql: 'DECLARE DBZ-4862

  • Oracle connector stops calling logminer without any error message DBZ-4884

  • Single quotes replication DBZ-4891

  • Oracle keeps trying old scn even if it had no changes DBZ-4907

  • Redis Sink - using Transaction does not work in sharded Redis DBZ-4912

  • Oracle connector page have typo since version 1.5. DBZ-4913

  • CVE-2022-26520 jdbc-postgresql: postgresql-jdbc: Arbitrary File Write Vulnerability [rhint-debezium-1] DBZ-4916

  • Kafka topics list throw exception DBZ-4920

  • Spelling mistake in doc about Oracle metrics DBZ-4926

  • MariaDB Trigger Parsing Error DBZ-4927

  • NPE during snapshotting MySQL database if custom converters present and column is null DBZ-4933

  • Avro converter requires Guava in lib directory DBZ-4935

  • Debezium Server 1.9 Fails to start up when transferring 1.8 offsets DBZ-4937

  • Missing images for 1.9.0.Beta1 and 1.9.0.CR1 releases DBZ-4943

Other changes

  • Document "schema.include.list"/"schema.exclude.list" for SQL Server connector DBZ-2793

  • Align decimal.handling.mode documentation for Oracle like other connectors DBZ-3317

  • Use Red Hat Maven repo for custom build image in docs DBZ-4392

  • Upgrade postgres driver to version 42.3.3 DBZ-4919

  • Update Quality Outreach workflow to official Oracle Java GH action DBZ-4924

  • Bump jackson to 2.13.2 DBZ-4955

Release 1.9.0.CR1 (March 25th 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.0.CR1 from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.0.CR1 plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.0.CR1 connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

New features

  • Add support for Cassandra 4.x DBZ-2514

  • Exclude dummy events from database history DBZ-3762

  • Define how MCS container images should be build DBZ-4006

  • Document kafka-connect-offset related properties DBZ-4014

  • Update UI dependency and it’s configuration accordingly  DBZ-4636

  • Save and load database history in Redis DBZ-4771

  • Provide the Federated module UI component for DBZ Connector edit Flow DBZ-4785

  • Switch to fabric8 model provided by Apicurio team DBZ-4790

  • Merge the Data and Runtime option page in federated component. DBZ-4804

  • Add task id and partition to the logging context for multi-partition connectors DBZ-4809

  • is not working in windows environment DBZ-4821

  • Log the tableId is null when filter out some tables DBZ-4823

  • Debezium Mysql connector can’t handle CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS (MariaDB) DBZ-4841

  • Postgresql connector prints uninformative log on snapshot phase DBZ-4861


  • SchemaNameAdjuster is too restrictive by default DBZ-3535

  • CVE-2022-21363 mysql-connector-java: Difficult to exploit vulnerability allows high privileged attacker with network access via multiple protocols to compromise MySQL Connectors [rhint-debezium-1] DBZ-4758

  • java.lang.NullPointerException while handling DROP column query DBZ-4786

  • Not reading the keystore/truststore when enabling MySQL SSL authentication DBZ-4787

  • "DebeziumException: Unable to find primary from MongoDB connection" post upgrade to 1.8.1 DBZ-4802

  • Oracle TO_DATE cannot be parsed when NLS parameter is provided DBZ-4810

  • Oracle test FlushStrategyIT fails DBZ-4819

  • Mysql: Getting ERROR Failed due to error: connect.errors.ConnectException: For input string: "false" DBZ-4822

  • Expect the null value with snapshot CapturedTables metric when skipping snapshotting DBZ-4824

  • MySQL 5.7 - no viable alternative at input 'ALTER TABLE ORD_ALLOCATION_CONFIG CHANGE RANK' DBZ-4833

  • missing notes on using db2 connector DBZ-4835

  • ParsingException when adding a new table to an existing oracle connector DBZ-4836

  • Supplemental log check fails when restarting connector after table dropped DBZ-4842

  • CREATE_TOPIC docker image regression DBZ-4844

  • Logminer mining session stopped due to several kinds of SQL exceptions DBZ-4850

  • DDL statement couldn’t be parsed DBZ-4851

  • Gracefully pass unsupported column types from DDL parser as OracleTypes.OTHER DBZ-4852

  • Debezium oracle connector stopped because of Unsupported column type: LONG DBZ-4853

  • Compilation of SqlServerConnectorIntegrator fails DBZ-4856

  • Maven cannot compile debezium-microbenchmark-oracle DBZ-4860

  • oracle connector fails because of Supplemental logging not properly configured DBZ-4869

  • Re-read incremental snapshot chunk on DDL event DBZ-4878

  • oracle connector fails because of unsupported column type nclob DBZ-4880

  • Debezium throws CNFE for Avro converter DBZ-4885

Other changes

  • OpenShift deployment instruction improvements DBZ-2594

  • Add Kubernetes version of deployment page DBZ-2646

  • Log DML replication events instead of throwing an error DBZ-3949

  • Review SqlServerConnector properties DBZ-4052

  • Promote Outbox Quarkus extension to stable DBZ-4430

  • Restructure Oracle connector documentation DBZ-4436

  • Downstream docs for outbox event routing SMTs DBZ-4652

  • Promote incremental snapshots to stable and GA DBZ-4655

  • Remove legacy --zookeeper option from example instructions DBZ-4660

  • Use JdbcConfiguration instead of Configuration for JDBC config values DBZ-4801

  • Don’t set truststore/keystore parameters to system variables DBZ-4832

  • Docs: JDBC driver should go to Oracle connector dir DBZ-4883

Release 1.9.0.Beta1 (March 3rd 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.0.Beta1 from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.0.Beta1 plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.0.Beta1 connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

There are no breaking changes in this release.

New features

  • Support Knative Eventing DBZ-2097

  • Provide UI option to view the configuration of the registered Debezium connector DBZ-3137

  • Handle out of order transaction start event DBZ-4287

  • Partition-scoped metrics for the SQL Server connector DBZ-4478

  • Save and load offsets in Redis DBZ-4509

  • Debezium Deploy Snapshots job is blocked for a long time DBZ-4628

  • Change DBZ UI Frontend to use new data_shape fields for Kafka message format DBZ-4714

  • Expect plain value instead of scientific exponential notation when using decimal string mode DBZ-4730


  • Long running transaction in Debezium 1.2.0 (PostgreSQL) DBZ-2306

  • "snapshot.include.collection.list" doesn’t work with the new MySQL connector implementation DBZ-3952

  • When running the NPM build I always end up with an updated/diverged package-lock.json DBZ-4622

  • Upgrade of Oracle connector causes NullPointerException DBZ-4635

  • Oracle-Connector fails parsing a DDL statement (external tables) DBZ-4641

  • oracle-connector DDL statement couldn’t be parsed DBZ-4662

  • Oracle parsing error for ALTER TABLE EXT_SIX LOCATION DBZ-4706

  • MySQL unparseable DDL - CREATE PROCEDURE DBZ-4707

  • Source timestamp timezone differs between snapshot and streaming records DBZ-4715

  • Document that Oracle Xstream emits DBMS_LOB method calls as separate events DBZ-4716

  • ORA-00308 raised due to offset SCN not being updated in a low traffic environment DBZ-4718

  • Property "log.mining.view.fetch.size" does not take effect DBZ-4723

  • Postgres debezium send wrong value of column has default NULL::::character varying in kafka message DBZ-4736

  • Oracle Logminer: streaming start offset is off by one DBZ-4737

  • Apache Pulsar example doesn’t work DBZ-4739

  • Oracle dbname/signal with dots parsed incorrectly DBZ-4744

  • Oracle DDL statement couldn’t be parsed DBZ-4746

  • Overly verbose Debezium Server Redis logs DBZ-4751

  • DDL statement couldn’t be parsed DBZ-4752

  • Redis runs OOM log in wrong scenario DBZ-4760

  • Relax parsing of Heap and Index organized DDL clauses DBZ-4763

  • java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.kafka.clients.admin.NewTopic DBZ-4773

  • Connection validation fails for Db2 DBZ-4777

  • Test suite unable to run due to jackson dependency overlaps DBZ-4781

Other changes

  • Improve rendering of linked option names DBZ-4301

  • Oracle connector downstream docs for 1.9 DBZ-4325

  • Use images from in docs and examples DBZ-4440

  • Create an internal FAQ for Oracle Connector DBZ-4557

  • Improve documentation about max_replication_slots DBZ-4603

  • Connector doc formatting and link fixes DBZ-4606

  • Add a backend service for UI to fetch the connector configuration DBZ-4627

  • Update downstream Getting Started guide to describe revised deployment mechanism DBZ-4632

  • Update downstream OCP Installation guide to describe revised deployment mechanism DBZ-4633

  • Changes config for renovate bot to auto-merge only for non-major update DBZ-4719

  • Incorrect connector version in Debezium RHEL Installation Guide DBZ-4721

  • Verify Debezium connector can be used with MongoDB Atlas DBZ-4731

  • Remove NATS example DBZ-4738

  • Upgrade to Quarkus 2.7.1.Final DBZ-4743

  • UI layout fixes DBZ-4748

  • Upgrade MySQL JDBC driver to 8.0.28 DBZ-4759

  • Nightly build artifacts not published DBZ-4766

  • Clarify need for link attributes in docs DBZ-4776

Release 1.9.0.Alpha2 (February 9th 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.0.Alpha2 from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.0.Alpha2 plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.0.Alpha2 connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

For the incubating Debezium connector for Vitess, the mapping of BLOB and BINARY column types has changed from string to bytes (DBZ-4705).

New features

  • Use main repo workflow for CI/CD checks in Debezium UI repository checks DBZ-3143

  • Build and deploy Debezium OpenAPI / JSON Schema definitions with every Debezium release DBZ-4394

  • Redis sink - Retry in case of connection error/OOM DBZ-4510

  • Make KAFKA_QUERY_TIMEOUT configurable DBZ-4518

  • MySQL history topic creation needs DESCRIBE_CONFIGS at the Cluster level DBZ-4547

  • Redis Sink - change records should be streamed in batches DBZ-4637

  • Link for apicurio-registry-distro-connect-converter packege is broken DBZ-4659

  • Extend Debezium Schema Generator DBZ-4665


  • Database.include.list results in tables being returned twice DBZ-3679

  • Suspected inconsistent documentation for 'Ad-hoc read-only Incremental snapshot' DBZ-4171

  • CVE-2021-2471 mysql-connector-java: unauthorized access to critical [rhint-debezium-1] DBZ-4283

  • Rhel preparation jenkins job pushes extra image DBZ-4296

  • Oracle Logminer: snapshot→stream switch misses DB changes in ongoing transactions DBZ-4367

  • Incremental snapshots does not honor column case sensitivity DBZ-4584

  • JSON data corrupted in update events DBZ-4605

  • nCaused by: Multiple parsing errors\nio.debezium.text.ParsingException: DDL statement couldn’t be parsed. Please open a Jira DBZ-4609

  • Jenkins job for creating image snapshot does not update gitlab certificate correctly DBZ-4611

  • Update the UI README node and npm requirements DBZ-4630

  • Parse including keyword column table ddl error DBZ-4640

  • Nightly installation links do not use snapshot repository download links DBZ-4644

  • schema_only_recovery mode not working for FileDatabaseHistory DBZ-4646

  • SQL Server ad-hoc snapshot - SnapshotType is case sensitive DBZ-4648

  • DDL parsing issue: ALTER TABLE …​ MODIFY PARTITION …​ DBZ-4649

  • Mark incompatible Xstream tests as LogMiner only DBZ-4650

  • DDL statement couldn’t be parsed mismatched input '`encrypted` DBZ-4661

  • debezium-examples fail when using confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:7.0.0 DBZ-4666

  • DDL parsing exception DBZ-4675

  • JdbcConnection#executeWithoutCommitting commits when auto-commit is enabled DBZ-4701

  • OracleSchemaMigrationIT fails with Xstream adapter DBZ-4703

  • Cannot expand JSON payload with nested arrays of objects DBZ-4704

Other changes

  • Possible performance issue after Debezium 1.6.1 upgrade (from 1.5) DBZ-3872

  • Upgrade Jenkins and Introduce JCasC to jnovotny DBZ-3980

  • Random test failure - ZZZGtidSetIT#shouldProcessPurgedGtidSet DBZ-4294

  • Verify compatibility with Oracle 21c ( DBZ-4305

  • Add metadata to OracleConnectorConfig for Debezium UI DBZ-4314

  • Release pipeline should check existence of GA version DBZ-4623

  • Release pipeline - conditionalize and parameterize backport check DBZ-4624

  • Migrating UI from webpack-dev-server v3 to v4 DBZ-4642

  • Don’t run checkstyle/dependency check on documentation-only pull requests or commits DBZ-4645

  • Cron-based Github Action to notify documentation changes in last x days DBZ-4653

  • Oracle DDL parser failure with supplemental log group clause with a custom name DBZ-4654

  • Build MCS container images for Debezium 1.9.0.Alpha1 and deploy to RHOAS quay container registry DBZ-4656

  • Upgrade postgres driver to version 42.3.2 DBZ-4658

  • Make sure right protoc version is applied DBZ-4668

  • Build trigger issues DBZ-4672

  • MongoUtilIT test failure - unable to connect to primary DBZ-4676

  • Upgrade to Quarkus 2.7.0.Final DBZ-4677

  • Update shared UG deployment file for use with downstream OCP Install Guide DBZ-4700

  • Indicate ROWID is not supported by XStream DBZ-4702

Release 1.9.0.Alpha1 (January 26th 2022)

Kafka compatibility

This release has been built against Kafka Connect 3.1.0 and has been tested with version 3.1.0 of the Kafka brokers. See the Kafka documentation for compatibility with other versions of Kafka brokers.


Before upgrading any connector, be sure to check the backward-incompatible changes that have been made since the release you were using.

When you decide to upgrade one of these connectors to 1.9.0.Alpha1 from any earlier versions, first check the migration notes for the version you’re using. Gracefully stop the running connector, remove the old plugin files, install the 1.9.0.Alpha1 plugin files, and restart the connector using the same configuration. Upon restart, the 1.9.0.Alpha1 connectors will continue where the previous connector left off. As one might expect, all change events previously written to Kafka by the old connector will not be modified.

If you are using our container images, then please do not forget to pull them fresh from DockerHub.

Breaking changes

Support for the wal2json logical decoding plug-in, as used by the Debezium Postgres connector, has been deprecated. All users should move to the pgoutput or decoderbufs plug-ins. The wal2json plug-in is scheduled for removal in Debezium 2.0 (DBZ-3953).

There were changes to the format of the Infinispan cache to support the storage of certain large object (LOB) events. If you use the Infinispan buffer cache implementation and enabled LOB support, the cache files must be deleted and a new snapshot taken due to these compatibility changes (DBZ-4366).

The Debezium container images for Apache Kafka and Kafka Connect contain the log4j 1.x library, which is a runtime dependency of Kafka (it is not used in any way by Debezium). Several vulnerabilities were recently reported against some classes contained in that library. While these classes are used by neither Kafka (Connect) nor Debezium, the class files org/apache/log4j/net/JMSSink.class, org/apache/log4j/jdbc/, and /org/apache/log4j/chainsaw/ have been removed from the log4j 1.x JAR shipped with these container images as a measure of caution. If you actually need these classes, you should obtain the original log4j 1.x JAR and add this via custom images you derive from the Debezium ones. We advise against doing this though as per aforementioned vulnerabilities (DBZ-4568).

New features

  • Debezium MySQL connector encounter latency in large DML of MySQL DBZ-3477

  • Add create/update/delete event seen metrics for monitor upstream dml operation DBZ-4351

  • Allow additional config options for Debezium Server Pubsub Connector DBZ-4375

  • Allow adhoc snapshots using signals in Oracle versions prior to 12c DBZ-4404

  • Fail MongoDB start when oplog is used for MongoDB 5+ DBZ-4415

  • Deprecated TruncateHandlingMode config property in favor of skipped_operations DBZ-4419

  • Introduce interfaces and default implementations for change event source metrics DBZ-4459

  • Create a Debezium schema generator for Debezium connectors (follow-up work) DBZ-4460

  • Make connector task partition readability for logs DBZ-4472

  • Remove unused brackets in MySqlParser DBZ-4473

  • Document DB permissions for Oracle Connector DBZ-4494

  • Add support for extra gRPC headers in Vitess connector DBZ-4532

  • Mining session stopped due to 'No more data to read from socket' DBZ-4536

  • A failure to register JMX metrics should fail the connector DBZ-4541

  • Debezium Engine should use topic names for conversion DBZ-4566

  • Allow user to define custom retriable message DBZ-4577

  • Implement Renovate to fix legacy-peer-deps issue with npm DBZ-4585

  • Typo in connect README DBZ-4589

  • Unsupported column type 'ROWID' error DBZ-4595

  • Cleanup project management in testsuite job DBZ-4602


  • NPE on PostgreSQL Domain Array DBZ-3657

  • MysqlSourceConnector issue with latin1 tables DBZ-3700

  • JSON Payload not expanding when enabling it DBZ-4457

  • Kafka Connect REST extension cannot be built with 1.9 DBZ-4465

  • DDL statement couldn’t be parsed DBZ-4485

  • Parse multiple signed/unsigned keyword from ddl statement failed DBZ-4497

  • Set the correct binlog serverId & threadId DBZ-4500

  • Null out query in read-only incremental snapshot DBZ-4501

  • R/O incremental snapshot can blocks the binlog stream on restart DBZ-4502

  • Drop the primary key column getting exception DBZ-4503

  • [MySQL Debezium] DDL Parsing error - curdate() & cast() DBZ-4504

  • Extra file checker-qual in PostgreSQL package DBZ-4507

  • website-builder image is not buildable DBZ-4508

  • Job for creating gold image not reading credentials correctly DBZ-4516

  • Replication stream retries are not configured correctly DBZ-4517

  • Add backend errors among retriable for Postgres connector DBZ-4520

  • Infinispan doesn’t work with underscores inside cache names DBZ-4526

  • Connector list should update immediately when a connector is deleted DBZ-4538

  • Mongo filters page show nulls in namespace name DBZ-4540

  • LogMinerHelperIT fails when running Oracle CI with a fresh database DBZ-4542

  • Oracle-Connector fails parsing a DDL statement (VIRTUAL keyword) DBZ-4546

  • DatabaseVersionResolver comparison logic skips tests unintendedly DBZ-4548

  • io.debezium.text.ParsingException when column name is 'seq' DBZ-4553

  • MySQL FLUSH TABLE[S] with empty table list not handled DBZ-4561

  • Debezium apicurio version is not aligned with Quarkus DBZ-4565

  • Oracle built-in schema exclusions should also apply to DDL changes DBZ-4567

  • mongo-source-connector config database.include.list does not work DBZ-4575

  • Can’t process column definition with length exceeding Integer.MAX_VALUE DBZ-4583

  • Oracle connector can’t find the SCN DBZ-4597

Other changes

  • Set up CI for Oracle DBZ-732

  • Migrate logger used for tests to Logback DBZ-2224

  • Update downstream docs in regards to deprecated elements DBZ-3881

  • Broken links to the Transaction metadata topics from descriptions for provide.transaction.metadata property DBZ-3997

  • Add script to check for missing backports DBZ-4063

  • Protect release from using invalid version name DBZ-4072

  • Upgrade to Quarkus 2.6.2.Final DBZ-4117

  • Use Postgres 10 by default DBZ-4131

  • Give debezium-builder user privileges to access internal issues DBZ-4271

  • Point to supported versions in connector pages DBZ-4300

  • Allow for additional custom columns in an outbox table DBZ-4317

  • Log problematic values if they cannot be processed DBZ-4371

  • Run Jenkins CI on weekends too DBZ-4373

  • Update Postgres JDBC driver to 42.3.1 DBZ-4374

  • Release pipeline should use Jira API token DBZ-4383

  • Remove log.mining.log.file.query.max.retries configuration property DBZ-4408

  • Add Debezium Server example using Postgres and Pub/Sub DBZ-4438

  • Document Outbox SMT behaviour with postgres bytea_output = escape DBZ-4461

  • Run formatting check in the same connector/module workflows DBZ-4462

  • Upgrade SQL Server driver to 9.4 DBZ-4463

  • Add snapshot repository to Vitess connector DBZ-4464

  • REST extension tests must not depend on source code version DBZ-4466

  • snapshotPreceededBySchemaChange should not be tested for Db2 DBZ-4467

  • Debezium Server workflow should build PG connector without tests DBZ-4468

  • PostgresShutdownIT must not depend on Postgres version DBZ-4469

  • Updating jenkins job creating image snapshots DBZ-4486

  • Set jenkins jobs to store last 10 builds DBZ-4506

  • Provide a script to generate release notes section DBZ-4513


  • Bump protobuf version to the latest 3.x DBZ-4527

  • Document automatic log-switch setting for low-frequency change systems DBZ-4528

  • Organize properties of Db2 connector DBZ-4537

  • Update release procedure to cover required documentation config changes DBZ-4539

  • Module debezium-testing-testcontainers tests are not executed DBZ-4544

  • Check Debezium user logging after auth change DBZ-4545

  • Fix links to connector incremental snapshots topic DBZ-4552

  • Vitess connector image cannot be built DBZ-4559

  • Reduce GitHub action build times with formatting DBZ-4562

  • Doc updates to address downstream build issues DBZ-4563

  • Upgrade Avro converter to 7.0.1 and Apicurio to 2.1.5.Final DBZ-4569

  • Older degree of parallelism DDL syntax causes parsing exception DBZ-4571

  • Conditionalize note about outbox event router incompatibility DBZ-4573

  • Update description of snapshot.mode in postgresql.adoc DBZ-4574

  • Avoid build warning about maven-filtering missing plugin descriptor DBZ-4580

  • Fix build failure when xstream missing when building the micro benchmark for Oracle DBZ-4581

  • Update shared UG deployment file to clarify that connectors can use existing KC instance DBZ-4582

  • Test Failure - RecordsStreamProducerIT DBZ-4592

  • Upgrade Kafka to 3.1.0 DBZ-4610

  • Server transformation properties should refer to "type" rather than "class" DBZ-4613